Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Hi! I know I've been MIA this week. Just really nothing to talk about and I've been really busy here at work. I've been drowning in paperwork and serial numbers! I've muttled my way through that and now on to the next task.
I've been reading the book of Kings. I have never read the bible through. I have never been able to make it past the first couple of books. Well for some reason Kings has been on my heart so I've started reading it. And because of Leigh's wonderful posts and the DVD she sent me I am making time for God in the morning not at night. Pastor Aaron preached Sunday about putting on your belt of truth. How that holds everything together. And he was right, I never thought of it like that, I need my belt during the day not at night before I go to bed. And... it makes a difference in my day. It starts it off and I pray before I read that God gives me understanding and that I get what He's trying to tell me through His word. Which... too helps throughout the day.
Lets see if I can catch you up on the past few days:
Friday: Tiff and I had a GREAT massage and so loved the new cafe Cup of Grace we went too. So nice to be in a christian atmosphere! We really enjoyed our girl time and can't wait to do it again! Tim and I went to dinner that night, I had ribs which I never ever get because of the mess but Max & Erma's has THE best ribs ever! The fall off the bone and I love them!
Then we went to see Ocean's 13. If you saw Ocean's 11 or 12 then you've seen 13. They are all the same. But who can pass up an opportunity to see Al Pacino, Brad Pitt, Matt Damon AND George Clooney all on the same screen. SO HOT! LOL!
Sat: got my kid back *YA* took him to a birthday part he was so bad (so tired) we left early and went to bed at 7:30!!!!!!!!!! Yep 7:30 pm (still very light out) on a Saturday night we went to bed!
Sunday: We went to church, HUBBY TOO! YA!! Then we went together to the Dragon's baseball game. Instead of a summer picnic my company takes us all to the baseball game. OMG! We had such a blast! Tucker was very good and it was his 1st ball game with daddy. We all enjoyed our time together.
Monday: I went to the library and got a book for Tucker so we can start his summer studies so he's ready for 1st grade and a scrapbook book for me (it's not very useful at all and it's really old)! Oh well. Then Tucker and Spencer played all night. It was a very peaceful night.
Tuesday: Ballgame - my dad came up to watch. We won 31-30. We played Tucker's BF team. that was alot of fun. Tucker played pretty well. It's just so cute to watch these kids! We got home about 9:30 and got to bed around 10ish. That is SO very late for us! I get up at 5am and I get TK up at 6am. So 10pm is too late for us!
Welp, that catches you up on my life. So boring but I love it!
Today my hubby is working 1st shift so it was so nice to start the day seeing him. He'll get to go to church tonight w/ us! I love when he works 1st shift.
I'm actually going to make an actual dinner! (hope he doesn't faint) haha!
I usually feed Tucker ramen noodles, soup or lunchable or spaghetti o's or hot dogs. I usually eat a bag of steamfresh vegies. Those by the way... are so good! Stick it in the microwave 5 min it's done, rip the top off the bag poor it in a bowl and wa-la! A yummy veggie!
I'm all about easy baby!
I am SOOOOO excited about this weekend and next week. My little sis flies in Friday night w/ her hubby. We haven't seen him in over 2 years! It's been a yr since we've seen her. My other sister (the preacher) is coming down from up north and we are having a big 'ole family picnic on July 4th at my house. Then Friday to a waterpark. All of us...together! Man I wish my sisters lived local! I can't wait to have us all together in one place. Tucker can't wait for his cousin Nate to get here. Nate is almost 16 and is SOO good with Tucker. Tucker idolizes Nate. They ride skateboards together and do cool bike tricks. So stinking cute! And my beautiful nieces! Me-Me (Megan) and PJ... wow they are so beautiful. I can't wait to spend time with them too.
This next week is going to be so much fun!
Well, that catches you up on my life.
Pray about something for me will ya'? I really really feel God telling me to do something. It's something REALLY risky finacially, and it's something that I have no knowledge about. But of course I know God will open all doors, and provide me all the knowledge I need if it's His will.
Pray that opportunities arise if it is His will and that I will go forth boldly.


Sharon said...

Hi! It's nice to meet you! Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. :0) I have an A/G blog roll, would you mind if I added your blog? Blessings! ~Sharon~

Kristi K. said...

So many good things happening in your life! I'm so happy for you, Holli. I hope the visit with your sister goes well and the picnic is fun! I hope Tucker enjoys hanging out with Nate, and that you have wonderful memories to cherish (and scrapbook) ;) for years to come! Happy 4th!