Monday, December 29, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
Okay I saw on Lola's blog that she had the cuttest jammies ever II and so Ms. Teagan had to borrow the idea too. These are SO the cutest jammies ever. Not because sweet Lola gave them to her either - but because they are tight and show her diaper butt and her big milk belly with adorable watermelons all over them... makes me want to just eat her up!!!
Thanks Lola for the cutest jammies ever!!
Friday, September 19, 2008
Things are going well. She started on rice cereal in her night time bottle and then mom pumps and we are getting 5 hours of sleep!! YES! She's growing like a weed - it totally amazes me that I've already had to pack up clothes that are to small.
There is a photographer on her way to the house now, I can't wait to see how these photos turn out - she's got a GORGEOUS dress from Babygap that some friends of Tim bought for her. TOO CUTE! Thanks Bobbi & Brad!
I start to work in one more week, I'm nervous! Isn't that silly? I'm afraid of how the morning routine will go, I'm afraid of how she'll do at daycare, I'm afraid of how I'll do at work getting used to Vista and getting caught back up. I'm not excited at all the more I think about it the more I get ill!
Tucker is doing amazing in football - he is hysterical! He'll tackle the ball carrier and give a big ole YES with the arm - I expect if he ever does make a touchdown he'll invent the Tucker shuffle! The kid is oozing with personality anymore. He's doing GREAT in school - I can't believe how much he's grown up over this summer. He's like a new child. He adores his sister and is a huge help to mom - not a jealous bone in his body! GOD LOVE HIM!
Well, I gotta book I'm trying to read (The Collectors by David Baldacci) and it's great and I'm almost to the end - so gotta go!
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Tucker got his uniform tonight.... this is his practice uniform and this his him doing his Heisman Trophey stance! LOL!! He thinks he is so cool in this gear!
These kids are so little it was hysterical to see them in their pads and uniform shirts. He's a great little player so far and is fast as lightening. Mommy and Daddy are beaming with pride how good he actually is... we had no idea!
Go 'Canes go!!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
And you thought someones belly couldn't get that big?!?!? LOL! I look like I'm about to rip open at the seams. And that is Tucker trying to look like mommy... I promise I really do feed him!
My stitch comes out tomorrow at 12:10. So anytime after tomorrow Ms. Teagan Starr will be joining us. I'm really hoping the sooner the better - I'm tired of being pregnant. Tucker has started football and practice is EVERY night of the week from 6-8. From now until Labor Day - can you believe that - like we have no life?!?! Anyways... I have a neighbor that will take him for me when I first have baby so I have backup thank goodness. His first game is Aug 16th and I really really want to be there for his 1st game! So Teagan - do you hear mommy - you need to come this weekend. YEAH RIGHT! LOL!
Her room is all done and my dear sweet hubby worked his butt off around last week. He built shelves in the garage with doors for storage and he paid to have the carpets shampooed, he put together all of the baby furniture. He worked very very hard! THANK YOU BABY!
So, we're ready and waiting... I'll keep you posted!
Friday, July 04, 2008
Monday, June 30, 2008
I can't thank everyone enough for all the FANTASTIC and ADORABLE gifts I received for Ms. Teagan Starr the future diva. I also can't thank everyone enough for all the love and support I felt and have received!!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
I've watched enough Baby Story to know that I've frightened myself out of giving birth so this child will be staying in forever. And enough Bringing Home baby to know that I'm giving this child away! LOL! They have those shows on so we'll quit having babies don't they?
My baby shower is Saturday and I'm like WAY SO excited! My BFF Tiffany made (yes as in home sewn) me a DROP DEAD gorgeous dress - totally Hollywood - Jessica Alba and Halle Barry wore one just like it - for my shower. I'm going to be so sexy, mama diva-licous at my party! YEAH! That is one thing I can say about this pregnancy - I haven't felt dowdy and fat - I've felt cute and pregnant and healthy. So different than my 1st one. My shower is at a Mexican rest. which I think is a FABU idea! I mean- no one had to clean their house, no one has to clean up afterwards - no one has to prepare food - its brilliant! I can't wait to be surrounded by the people I love most in this life and by people who love me and support me - to feel so blessed. What an amazing feeling its going to be to be gathered with my favorite people.
I can't thank the girls (Denise, Tiffany and Emilee) enough for all the effort and thought to every detail they've put into it! I don't know what all is planned but I know it's going to be wonderful w/ those 3 creative minds! How lucky am I?!?!
So - that's my life - I get up take TK to daycamp, come home eat breakfast, watch TV, check my email, take a nap, eat lunch, watch TV, check my email and go pick up TK. Eat dinner watch TV and go to bed.
So, you're all caught up! LOL
I did go to the Dr yesterday and everything looks great. The contactions have all but stopped - not even every hour. I feel great, the weight gain is good, I measure out right where I'm supposed to be - so God is good and answers prayers as I already knew He would!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
I spent some time in the hospital last night w/ contractions. Yep, you heard me right. They gave me a shot to stop them, it slowed them, they gave me another shot, it slowed them a little more they sent me home. 30 min later while eating dinner they kicked back in full swing.
So... I went to the Dr today (as I was told to do) and I am now officially on bedrest. They want me to make it another 5 weeks. I WANT to make it another 5 weeks!
But of course, going on short term disability means less pay, bed rest means less freedom. My husband may find this hard to believe however, I do enjoy helping keep our house clean, I do enjoy getting up and doing things. It's going to be very hard for me to stay down. It's going to be very hard on HIM to keep up with everything and work 2nd shift and have me around the house all the time doing nothing. So pray for our peace, pray for our finances and most of all pray for this precious little girl to hold on 5 more weeks!
I am so blessed though! I have had two wonderful friends from church already offer to do my grocery shopping (yep, I'm not allowed to do that either) and clean my house! What amazing people God has put into my life! I trust the Lord to provide for us in everyway. I know He has a plan and that it is the perfect plan - so I'm going to stay upbeat and postive and praise Him and stay out of His way as He carries His plan into action! PRAISE YOU JESUS!
I am feeling better today by the way - have had a few contractions but that's it - they said if they are less than 5 or 6 an hour they aren't going to worry but if I have more than that I need to call in. So - I guess I'll be blogging more since I'll be home to do it!
Thanks for your prayers!
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
I don't really have anything to say except 7 weeks and counting till the stitch comes out.
I feel fantastic - I am just not starting that uncomfortable phase. You know, the one where walking is an effort to get one foot in front of the other. I walk down the hall and people are laughing at me - no I'm not being paranoid - they tell me that they are laughing at my waddle!
HOW RUDE! I'm a good sport - I can handle it.
My ankles are now cankles (calf ankles) huge huge huge! But again - it's only a few more weeks.
I'm still sleeping good - I get up every 2 hrs to pee but that's good training! LOL!
Still haven't started on the baby room yet - (yes anal Holli is in a panic). I know we'll get it done - it's just a few more weeks and I'll motivate Tim somehow - hmm...maybe I'll fake labor pains and that'll scare him into it! hehehehe!
My baby shower is June 21st and I am SOOOOOOO excited. They are having it at a mexican rest. which is perfect since mexican is my favorite food!
Well - I hope you are all happy and blessed - I pray for you everyday!!!
Monday, May 19, 2008
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
I dug out Tracy Chapman, Edie Brickell, Jewel... some old Blues Travelers. Oh the days when music was good and the songs meant something - or at least I could understand what they were saying!
So, I've had the panoramic roof open, windows down, radio blasting and singing at the top of my lungs! I LOVE this time of year!
Sunday, April 06, 2008
Tucker isn't real happy about it - he wants her named Chloe. We shall see. It could change 100 times before August. LOL!
The excitement around here is off the hook - we have furniture picked out we just have to order it, the bedding set is picked out (just gotta order it). You can see it at Walmart it's called Bubble Fun it's pink and brown and olive green. I didn't want to do any themes because they grow out of themes so quickly!
Teegan... huh... I think it's growing on me - although when I'm yelling at her - she will always be Tucker..ERRR TEEGAN... that's a good name too I think! HAHAHAHA!
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
I laid on the table today and watched her measure the baby and I kept saying - okay God, it's a boy, my heart is prepared and when she said a girl I about fell out!!
I am SOOOOOOOOOOOO excited!!! She is a BIG healthy baby girl - the lady doing the ultrasound said (and I quote) " Oh my, she has a big ole' belly already". And boy did she - you could already tell she's a chubby one - so I promised to lay off of the Easter candy -ooops!
Thanks for your prayers!!
Saturday, March 29, 2008
AAahh, the sun is shining, I have coffee in my hand (decaf of course) and I made eggs, bacon, has browns, and biscuits for breakfast, my kid let me sleep in and wake on my own... ALL IS RIGHT WITH THE WORLD TODAY!!!!!!!!!!
Wow, what a glorious morning! Spring is on it's way and you can smell it and feel it in the air. The trees have buds on them, you can see the starts of flowers poking their heads up through the ground - it's so wonderful!
I feel terrific! Being pregnant has been so wonderful - I just don't have any complaints! Now, how many people can say that?! I am so blessed.
Today is my hubby's day off and we're going to walk around the flee market for awhile. We'll have to make frequent sitting stops for me - my stomach muscles start hurting if I walk to long - that always makes me smile though (I know weird) because it reminds me that MINE & TIMS baby is growing in there.
The ultrasound is Wed. Mon and Tues will be the longest days of my life! I know I won't be able to sleep Tues. night! We've got our options narrowed down for the nursery - we just gotta know what it is so we can get busy on it.
Well - that's all that's in my life. Tucker has been on spring break all week - he's been an angel and I have loved spending the extra time with him and I know daddy loved staying home w/ him all day. He's really grown up this year - and getting taller every day (and skinnier) it's amazing! He's going to be the best big brother ever!