Monday, December 29, 2008

As you can see a good Christmas was had by all. Tucker was amazed that Santa brought him EXACTLY what he wanted. My husband suprised me by getting me something for Christmas - and it was even a thoughtful gift. I guess he really does love me! :-)
We had a good time - Mimi is so proud of her granbabies. Teagan looked adorable in her Ms. Clause dress that her cousin PJ bought her. Life is good here. God is good and He is so faithful.
I don't really have much to say - nothing much changes in my life - as we head into 2009 I am looking forward to getting back into the gym and getting my pre-baby body back, making new friends, growing closer to the friends I have, and serving God with all that I have with (prayerfully) my husband by my side serving as well. May God bless you all in 2009 - and remember family is the MOST important thing we have on this earth.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Pssst. hey brother lets peek at our presents. Photo2... Why yes, I'm quite the gift!
I know, I'm a slacker. If you only knew all the stuff I have to do - you'd forgive me. Things like wash bottles, feed baby, run to basketball practice, go to Zumba, go to church, serve on the Womens Ministry team, attend before mentioned teams fellowships and such that we've planned, work 40 hours a week and oh, shop for Christmas, do hair, bake cookies and peanut butter pies. Oh yeah, and sell Close To My Heart scrapbook supplies hold family dinner for baby dedication, drive to Mansfield the day before Thanksgiving - a 2 hr drive that took 4 hrs - and sometime I need to wrap gifts and do Christmas cards.
Do you know that I haven't had a single photo of my sweet baby even developed yet? What kind of mother am I?
My car battery decided to die on my while sitting at Sonic - had to push it out of the stall into the middle of the parking lot to have it jumped (thank you Tim S.) thank goodness people w/ sense don't visit Sonic when it's 28 degrees outside!
Got a new battery (there went Christmas money) and all is well now - God blessed me and Tiffany w/ an opportunity to laugh till we cried - I mean what else can you do in a situation like that?
So - huh- that makes me exhausted all over again thinking about it all. And - I'll take any advice on getting Chubba Bubba to sleep through the night - yes I'm doing cereal - no help! I did quit nursing her at night - I said that's it - no more- but she still wakes up wants the pacifier and then goes back to sleep. Letting her cry only wakes her more - she gets very very mad and louder and louder with every passing minute. So, got any advice out there ladies or gents?

Monday, October 27, 2008

Teagan and her doll Molly and laughing and talking. It's amazing how quickly she turned from newborn to baby. Rolling over, cooing, laughing at her brother. She is simply amazing! Tucker is amazing with her. She adores her big brother and he adores her. I am so blessed to have a son and a daughter!
Life is good, I'm glad to be back to work and keeping very busy. Tucker's football season is finally over, that tool almost every night of the week from us. SHEW! He did so fantastic I am so proud of him.
Fall is here in full swing, I have a feeling winter is going to come early. I have enjoyed the fall and the beautiful leaves. I unfortunately didn't get to do any hiking this year but I will next year. Teagan will be at a dead run by then... crazy thought isn't it?
God is doing great things with our Women's Ministry at church. He's been leading our team in a great direction. We are all of one mind and one accord just like His word says. I'm so excited to see what the outcome of these things will be. I am so blessed!
The elections are just days away - I won't post my opinions here but I'll be glad when they are over and we can all move on with life. What in the world will the news report about after the elections. The casino ballet (Prop 6) is a huge issue in Ohio right now. I'm anxious to see how that turns out. Again - I'll keep my opinions to myself.
I just got news today that my sister Paige - who was going to be moving this direction from 2 hours away is now going to be moving to Joplin Missourri (I don't even know how to spell it) LOL! I am devastated. I was looking forward to having my sister and her kids close to me for the 1st time in 22 years. I am so sad. I really long to have ALL my family close by to all be together for birthdays and holidays. I guess God has other plans and I have to praise Him for things unkown.
Like I said, Teagan is doing great, already 12 lbs and 23" long. She's very healthy and happy and most nights she sleeps from 8:30 to 4:30 and then to 7:30. I certainly can't complain about that! Tucker is excited about halloween - he's going to be a vampire. It's the first year I haven't had some influence over his costume and he's determined to be something "scary". He'll be the cutest scary vampire ever. Teagan is going to be an Indian baby (thanks to Lola for letting us borrow the costume) and no, I won't be collecting candy for her... that's so tacky!
So - happy fall and Happy Halloween!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Okay I saw on Lola's blog that she had the cuttest jammies ever II and so Ms. Teagan had to borrow the idea too. These are SO the cutest jammies ever. Not because sweet Lola gave them to her either - but because they are tight and show her diaper butt and her big milk belly with adorable watermelons all over them... makes me want to just eat her up!!!
Thanks Lola for the cutest jammies ever!!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Ah sweet dreams!
It must be love!! Her favorite person - bubby!
Throwing gang signs already!
OOHH!! I get it!
My pretty blue dress - the only thing I own not pink. LOL!
Things are going well. She started on rice cereal in her night time bottle and then mom pumps and we are getting 5 hours of sleep!! YES! She's growing like a weed - it totally amazes me that I've already had to pack up clothes that are to small.
There is a photographer on her way to the house now, I can't wait to see how these photos turn out - she's got a GORGEOUS dress from Babygap that some friends of Tim bought for her. TOO CUTE! Thanks Bobbi & Brad!
I start to work in one more week, I'm nervous! Isn't that silly? I'm afraid of how the morning routine will go, I'm afraid of how she'll do at daycare, I'm afraid of how I'll do at work getting used to Vista and getting caught back up. I'm not excited at all the more I think about it the more I get ill!
Tucker is doing amazing in football - he is hysterical! He'll tackle the ball carrier and give a big ole YES with the arm - I expect if he ever does make a touchdown he'll invent the Tucker shuffle! The kid is oozing with personality anymore. He's doing GREAT in school - I can't believe how much he's grown up over this summer. He's like a new child. He adores his sister and is a huge help to mom - not a jealous bone in his body! GOD LOVE HIM!
Well, I gotta book I'm trying to read (The Collectors by David Baldacci) and it's great and I'm almost to the end - so gotta go!

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

It It doesn't sleep during the day.... AARRRGGHH!!! But she sleeps 4 hrs and 3 hrs through the night so I guess I should count my blessings for that.

We are doing well - here are pics of Emilee, Tiffany and Denise from work holding her and pics of her at 4 weeks old in her ballerina jammies.

She is just adorable and spoiled rotten already. I'm dreading my return to work in 3 weeks - I can't believe how fast the time has flown by!
After another stint in the hospital for UTI and Kidney infections (me) Teagan and I are back together and healing. She eats like it's her last meal. A TOTAL HOG!
I don't know what the daycare is going to do with her during the day - she wants held constantly - I feel for poor Ms. Brenda!!!
Well - that's all the time I have for now... hello to all and I hope everyone is doing well.
Lola - I can't wait to play with you!!!